Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women As The Weaker Sex And How Does This Affect Mrs. Wright

Rebecca Denton April 14, 2015 Question: How does Susan Glaspell show in her play Trifles men see women as the weaker sex and how does this affect Mrs.Wright? Thesis: In the dramatic play, ‘Trifles’, Glasbell uses irony and symbolism to show inequality in a marriage and ever growing fragile mental state which played out to be their downfall. Trifles While demeaning women and belittling their concerns are seen by most as sexist today not very many decades ago people accepted sexism and inequality as common and normal way of living. Since the male-dominated society considered women’s tasks less important and meaningful than men’s, men treated women with a lack of consideration and as if they were beneath them. In the turn of the century play â€Å"Trifles,† Glaspell challenges the suppression and inequality of women in effect during her lifetime, basing the play on real stories. As stated â€Å"Well, women are only used to worrying about trifles†. In the dramatic play, ‘Trifles’, Glasbell uses irony and symbolism to show inequality in a marriage and ever growing fragile mental state which played out to be their downfall. Throughout the whole story, Glaspell uses symbolism to show the damaging effects of men’s stereotypes about women and how this can negatively affect any situation. The female characters in this story, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters â€Å"...come in slowly, and stand close together near the door,† displaying a hesitancy and respect to enter Mrs. Wright’s empty home. InShow MoreRelatedEconomic Growth And Development Of Development6644 Words   |  27 Pages In this write-up, I examine the idea of development and briefly looked at its historical development until the age of neo-liberal and market propelled development we are current witnessing with a view to proposing directions for future development. As I do these, I will examine the of this importance development for Africa. 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